Mary Beth Johnson was raised in the quiverfull movement as the oldest daughter of 14 children. She left the movement in 2014 determined to find language to describe her experiences. As she unpacked her memories she discovered the beliefs she had been taught created a safe haven for abusers to victimize women and children and she wanted freedom.

With the help of therapists, fellow survivors, and beloved friends Mary Beth embarked on a lifelong journey of discovery and healing, determined to learn how to reroute her neural pathways and build a beautiful life outside of the beliefs she had been raised with.

Since then Mary Beth’s work has been informed by abuse recovery and finding joy after pain. Her viral photo series #theeverydayproject on Instagram was created out of a desire to encourage people to look for the beauty in their everyday. Her interior design work began out of a necessity to create safe spaces for healing. And her software product, Doulado, was born out of a passion to help make childbirth safe for everyone.

Mary Beth lives in the upstate with her husband Steven and their four children, Emma, Shiloh, Keller and Hugh. She enjoys teaching women about investing, sharing her design projects, writing about abuse recovery, and building Doulado.